Bugs in Guam

The bugs here on Guam are super huge, and just plain gross!  Yes, I am a girl and am not a big fan of them.  Lets see… I have seen spiders the size of CD’s, moths that can make a room go dark, grasshoppers as big as rats, and I don’t even want to go there with the cockroaches! There are some pretty big praying mantises, June bugs that are as dumb as can be (huge!) and there are lots of big beautiful butterflies.

I also had no idea about pantry pests!!  In my sleepy state of mind, I go and fetch some blueberry pancake mix for a yummy breakfast to find a million little brown bugs in it!  I was so upset and immediately went online to find out what they were.  I found out that you can get these bugs from the store.  What you need to do is to put the item in the freezer as soon as you get home and keep it there for a week so that you kill off any eggs or larva… gross!!

Everything I owned, food wise, went into the trash that day, and I did a major cleaning of the pantry.  Everything I buy from the store now goes into the freezer.  From the freezer, it goes into a lock N lock container (thank God for my mother-in-law sending them to us for Christmas), and now my life project is to beautify those containers.  I am not doing a very good job of it either… lol.

So here are some pics.  One is a spider that was literally the size of a CD that we found on our shudders.  A praying mantis because they are adventurous here (and I actually like them), and then there is a pic of the grasshopper thingies. I don’t know much about bugs so I have no idea if they are in fact grasshoppers, but there you go.  I don’t have any pics of the moths cause they don’t come around very often.

2 thoughts on “Bugs in Guam

    • They get as big as a preying mantis can get! Lol. I’m not sure, honestly. One cool story though… A sack of preying mantis eggs hatched on our BBQ, and watching them skitter off was so cool. They were sooo tiny it was mind blowing. Super cool to see.

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